Most delicious cookies on the internet

We always tend to accept internet cookies no matter what. But is saving a few seconds of our time worth it? In the following blog post we explain what are those cookies, how they can help us and when we should avoid them.

You probably have seen a pop-up asking to accept the notorious internet cookies plenty of times. You go to a website, you want to scroll but somewhere on the screen there is “Accept cookies” button blocking a portion of the content. And without thinking we click Accept. At this point, it is wired within us, like an animalistic instinct to eliminate this mild disturbance and let us indulge in the content as quickly as possible.

In fact, according to Statista Research Department, around 61% of UK citizens consent to cookies once the website is opened. That is tremendously scary number of people who may give away their privacy without realizing.

Recipe for cookies

So what exactly are those infamous cookies? Well, cookies are files containing a small piece of information which help to identify you (or specifically your device and network). This data is sent to web browser directory (or your hard drive) and in most cases is used to make your experience more personalized. They store information such as your previous session, shopping cart, targeted advertisements, login credentials, IP address and other preferences.

Now you may wonder why websites ask for our consent if is it in our best interest to accept them? Well, that is not exactly the case. Once we store a part of our privacy, it is susceptible to data breaches. Thus, the reason a privacy legislation called Cookie Law was adopted by all EU countries, recognizing significance of user control and possible risks, making getting consent from website visitors mandatory.

Not so delicious cookies

Knowing signs of potentially poisonous cookies can secure your browsing experience and protect your identity. As previously mentioned, cookies can also store your login credentials. Thus, you have to be aware that such information can be easily exploited. Thankfully, there are rules to help us identity edible cookies and avoid the spoiled ones:

  • Public Wi-Fi is never secure. It is good rule of thumb to follow as visiting websites through public connection can be intercepted, enabling unauthorised people access to your passwords.

  • Be cautious of the applications installed. Make your best effort to research the application before installing.

  • Decline third-party cookies. Those are cookies generated by the different website than the one being visited. Meaning that your activity is tracked across on other websites as well.

  • Keep things up-to-date. Whether it is application or your operational system, all of them are susceptible to vulnerabilities. Updating them with the latest patches can increase your protection and fix any security flaws.

In summary, cookies can vastly helpful for users. While they can possess risk, those dangers can be easily mitigated. We hope the following blog post helped you to understand cookies a little bit better and provide some security and confidence before accepting them. After all, we should be aware of things we eat. Bon Appetit!

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